How To Set Up a Discus Fish Tank
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*I’m a firm believer, the single most important secret to keeping Discus fish healthy is, “HEAT”, I can’t emphasize enough that this will ultimately determine your long-term success or failure.
Heat, stimulate their appetite encouraging them to eat more, which translates to fast uniform growth and overall health. I keep small Discus (fry to 4 inches), at a temperature between 87 to 90 degrees. The higher temperature revs up their metabolism; they eat more, grow faster and stay healthy by fending off disease. This higher heat range is instrumental in growing large and colorful Discus. Adult Discus fish can be kept in the lower temperature range of 83 to 86, and for breeding, I keep them 84-85 at which fertilization is best. If a Discus stops eating, heat is the best way to stimulate their appetite and get them eating again. They can tolerate 94-95 degrees for a period of 5 days, after which their appetite will return 95% of the time, when caught early.
To achieve this warmer condition, I find it’s best to get two smaller watt heaters rather than one larger watt heater. In other words, two 150-watt heaters can achieve a higher temperature than one 300-watt heater. I believe the manufacturer builds into these higher watt heaters a regulator, so in the event a powerful heater sticks, it will only reach 86-87 degrees and not cook or kill your fish. These larger heaters will also not get your tank warm enough when needed.
I have found the ideal size aquarium for growing Discus quickly is 30 to 50 gallons stocking with 6 to 15 small to adult size Discus in the appropriate tank. These smaller tanks are also easiest to heat, keep clean and treat if needed. When landscaping, keep the tank light in color. Light colored gravel or sand and no background works well. By keeping the bottom and backing light-colored, the fish will stay light and brighter. If the aquarium bottom or background is dark blue or black, the fish’s natural camouflage will kick in and they will turn dark and colorless to blend into their surroundings. Another tip is to avoid over filtering the tank. The beneficial oxidizing bacterium, which keeps your aquarium water clean, is only as abundant as the number of fish in the tank, not how big your filter is. I find that an under gravel, canister, or a hang on the back filter is more than adequate to keep your aquarium running efficiently. You are money ahead; NOT investing in a UV sterilizers or expensive trickle filters. Money is better spent on a Python water changing hose that hooks onto your nearest sink. This makes water changes easy and eliminates the use of buckets.
Discus like plants in the tank and they are pleasing to look at. I use plastic plants, they are easy to clean and do not die, however, if you are good at growing live plants, I would suggest including Amazon Swords. Their broad leaves provide good cover for Discus, and Swords tolerate high temperatures well.
Learn more; Water Parameters
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