Discus Fish Blog
Discus Fish Growth Rate
Return To: Discus Fish Sale *Many factors
contribute to Discus fish growth rates. Including environmental factors, such
as aquarium size, water changes, along with diet, and daily feeding schedule.
Discus fish grow rather quickly when they are young, mostly due to the
continual food supply available to them from their parents. As they reach
larger sizes and different stages in age their growth rate slows. Described
below is a good chart for growth in relation to age. The following gro
3rd Sep 2024
Discus Aquarium
Return To; Discus Fish Sale *You can be successful keeping Discus fish in an
aquarium if you maintain proper conditions for them. You will need a large
aquarium, with the exact size dependent upon the size and number of Discus fish
you plan to have. Aquariums which are 29 to 50 gallons are a great size to
start with and grow Discus in, you can keep between 6 and 15 adult Discus in
this size aquarium. Larger aquariums like 75-to-100-gallon will, of course,
hold more. This size als
18th Aug 2024
Best Aquarium Filter for a Discus Fish Tank
Return to: Featured Discus Fish *I have tried many freshwater
aquarium filtration systems, from expensive wet-dry to inexpensive air driven
sponge filters. I must admit, for the hobbyist that has one to just a few aquariums,
the hang on the back filters is by far the easiest and will last the longest.
Some of my hang on the back filters are still running after 40 years. So, for an
inexpensive $30 investment they have paid for themselves many times over. There are several brand names to
5th Aug 2024
Discus Fish Freshwater
Return to: Discus Fish Sale *Freshwater Discus
fish, also known as Symphysodon Discus, are named after their distinctive round
disklike shape. Freshwater Discus fish can grow 6 to 8 inches in size,
measuring nose to tip of tail and almost as tall. They are native to the slow moving
tropical freshwater Amazon River and its tributaries. It is widely accepted
that there are four sub species of Discus fish found in their natural habitat,
they are, Brown, Blue, Green and Heckel Discus
23rd Jul 2024
When Do Discus Fish Get Their Color
Return To: How Long Do Discus Fish Live *When Discus fish first hatch and begin free swimming, they
all look the same, a brown body with extremely large black eyes compared to the
rest of their body. As they grow and begin to take shape, all Discus fry 1 to
1-1/2 inch begin to take on a solid burnt reddish/orange color regardless of
their inherited genetic color. At a size of 2 to 3-1/2 inch, they begin to show
about 10% of their genetic color. Typically, blue colored fish begin to sho
15th Jul 2024
Lowering pH in a Discus Fish Tank
Return to: Discus Fish Sale *Discus fish like acidic water conditions, and your aquarium
will run more efficiently when the pH is below 7.0 neutral. Bacteria is less
prolific in acidic water, therefore in a Discus fish tank lowering the pH below
neutral and into the acidic side will reduce bacteria. Acidic water on a
molecular structure will convert toxic ammonia NH3 to a non-toxic form of
ammonium Ion NH4. Aquarium ammonia testing kits will still read ammonia if
present in the t
7th Jul 2024
How to Treat White Spots on Discus Fish
Return to: Do Discus Fish Need Salt in Their Aquarium *White spots on
Discus fish are a sign of protozoan parasite combined with fungal infection,
and should be treated as such. You need to take immediate action and treat with
medicine to cure this disease. Symptom’s will begin with the Discus fish
rubbing against objects in the tank, and later with the visual appearance of
white spot on the fish. Discus can also exhibit a loss of appetite, clamping of
fins and darkening color. These
1st Jul 2024
How Long Do Discus Fish Live
Return To: How Long Will Discus Fish Survive After They Stop Eating *When starting a
Discus fish aquarium expect them to be part of your life for a while. With
proper environmental care and diet, Discus fish will live an average 8 to 10
years. Keeping in mind that this is an average, I did have one customer tell me
that he lost his 13-year-old Discus fish during a power outage. I have never
heard of an older Discus than this.As Discus fish age, even in water, gravity still has an
24th Jun 2024
Do Discus Fish Need Salt in Their Aquarium
Return To: When Do Discus Fish Get Their Color *I’m often asked, if there are benefits to adding salt in a
freshwater Discus fish aquarium. There are two salts I will discuss in this
article, Rock salt, and Epson salt.Aquarium salt or
rock salt are both the same and can be purchased inexpensively at a
grocery store, feed store, or the local aquarium fish store, and has been used
in tropical fish keeping for decades. It is believed to help the slime coat of
fish, acting as prophylactic
17th Jun 2024
How to Cure Discus Fish Diseases
Return To: What to Feed Discus Fish *Discus fish are beautiful, vividly colored fish that
are a great addition to an aquarium. Keepers of Discus fish are well aware that
their water must be kept clean and at specific parameters for temperature, and
pH levels. In addition to their sensitivity to their habitat, they are also
delicate in nature, making them more susceptible to disease than hardier
species of fish. There are a number of both internal and external Discus fish
diseases to b
2nd Jun 2024
Discus Fish Aquarium-Getting Started
Return To; Discus Fish Tank *Discus fish are popular for aquariums because they are
large, vividly colored fish that are marked in a wide variety of interesting
patterns and solid colors. Discus are tropical fish and keeping them does
require that their water parameters be maintained. Because they can grow up to
8” or 9’ long and almost as tall, you will need a 30-to-50-gallon aquarium.
Discus fish are schooling fish, meaning that they are much happier and less
stressed when they
22nd May 2024
Discus Fish Strains You Would Find in the Wild
Return To; Discus Fish Tank Mates *Discus fish are
among the most coveted of the tropical aquarium fish because of their
interesting shape and their beautiful bright colors. It is widely accepted that
there are four sub species of the Symphysodon Discus fish found wild in the
Amazon River. They are Blue, Heckel, Brown, and Green Discus fish.Blue DiscusThe wild blue discus is very similar to the brown
discus with the only exception being that it shows a little more color
12th May 2024
Basics for a Discus Fish Breeder
Return To; Discus Fish Disease, Cloudy Eye *Discus fish breeding can be difficult in a captive
environment, it requires a lot of patience on behalf of the Discus breeder.
Before your Discus fish will breed, they must have optimal water conditions in
their tank. They breed and raise fry best when they are 12 to 24 months old.
The water temperature should be at kept between 84 to 85 degrees. The water
should be slightly acidic with a pH level around 6.5. The water needs to be
very clean
5th May 2024
Tropical Fish Tank Mates to Include in Your Perfect Discus Fish Aquarium
Return To; Discus Fish Tank Size *When your Discus fish are thriving and you have room in
your tank, you might consider adding some Discus fish tank mates. You will have
to take into consideration the many specific needs of your Discus, such as warm
water, and a very clean tank, when choosing tank mates. There are several types
of fish that make good tank mates in your Discus tank.CharacinsBecause Discus have a tendency to become agitated
easily, they need calm tank mates. Characins ma
28th Apr 2024
Discus Fish Disease. How to Treat Your Discus When They Stop Eating.
Return To; Discus Fish Disease and Treatments *I’m frequently asked. My fish have stopped eating,
what medicine should I use to treat them?More often than not, all that’s initially needed is to
do a water change, clean the filter including new carbon. Normally this will
stimulate appetite and get them feeding again. If the fish do not start feeding
after this tank and filter cleaning, then simply raising the tank temperature
will get them eating again. By raising the heat stimulate app
19th Apr 2024