Discus Aquarium
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*You can be successful keeping Discus fish in an aquarium if you maintain proper conditions for them. You will need a large aquarium, with the exact size dependent upon the size and number of Discus fish you plan to have. Aquariums which are 29 to 50 gallons are a great size to start with and grow Discus in, you can keep between 6 and 15 adult Discus in this size aquarium. Larger aquariums like 75-to-100-gallon will, of course, hold more. This size also includes room for other smaller fish to add to the mix, cory cat’s, tetras, loaches and Angel fish all mix well into a Discus fish aquarium.
Discus are tropical freshwater fish, so the water in your discus fish aquarium should be kept between 85 to 88 degrees, the warmer water helps Discus fish grow faster. Make sure that you use a good heater and that you monitor the temperature frequently; if the water becomes too cool, your Discus fish will stop eating and lose body weight. Water that is slightly soft is recommended, and an acidic pH be kept between 6.5 and 7.0. The aquarium must be well filtered and kept fresh by doing 25% water changes per week. If not ammonia and nitrite will build up in a dirty aquarium which can harm your Discus fish.
Plants will help keep the water oxygenated and keep down the levels of nitrites and ammonia in the water. Discus fish enjoy having plants to hide in, particularly if they are breeding. Your Discus will be happiest with plants that require little maintenance on your part, as the fish can become agitated if you are frequently invading their habitat. Since your Discus fish aquarium will have warmer water in comparison with aquariums used to raise other types of fish, you must choose plants that will thrive in these warmer waters. Java ferns and Amazon Swords both grow well in warm water aquariums, as do plants in the Echinodorus family. A few tall, thin plants will help create a nice landscape for your Discus.
Due to the higher heat requirements for a Discus fish aquarium, decreases the amount of oxygen, it is important that the tank receive adequate lighting for about ten hours per day so that live plants will be able to undergo photosynthesis and produce oxygen. Discus fish aquariums shouldn’t be set directly in bright sunlight as this will promote an abundance of algae growth. Fluorescent lighting, especially compact, will provide plenty of light.
Learn More: Discus Fish Blog
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