Discus Fish Freshwater
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*Freshwater Discus fish, also known as Symphysodon Discus, are named after their distinctive round disklike shape. Freshwater Discus fish can grow 6 to 8 inches in size, measuring nose to tip of tail and almost as tall. They are native to the slow moving tropical freshwater Amazon River and its tributaries. It is widely accepted that there are four sub species of Discus fish found in their natural habitat, they are, Brown, Blue, Green and Heckel Discus. These native Discus fish are earth tone in color so they blend into their natural surroundings protecting them from predators. Aquarium hobbyists have been keeping Discus fish in their home aquariums since the mid nineteen hundreds, but over the past 25 years their popularity has exploded with the development of new vivid bright colors.
Freshwater Discus fish are a great addition to the home aquarium; they add color and character to your tank. Discus fish generally stay in the center of the freshwater aquarium, and due to their size and color makes them the center piece earning them the distinct title, “King of the Aquarium”. Today Discus fish are cultivated in freshwater Discus hatcheries and Discus fish farms around the world. Southeast Asia and China being the leaders in developing new strains and overall production. I would even speculate to say at the very least, that 8-out of every 10-discus fish sold in North America come from these regions of the world. There is tank raised quality freshwater Discus fish and new colors strains being introduced on a regular basis, keeping the hobby alive and exciting for years to come.
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