Best Aquarium Filter for a Discus Fish Tank
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*I have tried many freshwater aquarium filtration systems, from expensive wet-dry to inexpensive air driven sponge filters. I must admit, for the hobbyist that has one to just a few aquariums, the hang on the back filters is by far the easiest and will last the longest. Some of my hang on the back filters are still running after 40 years. So, for an inexpensive $30 investment they have paid for themselves many times over.
There are several brand names to pick from, the one I use are Aqua-Clear. They come in several sizes with different flow rates. For the sake of simplicity, a 30 to 50-gallon tank I would use the Aqua-Clear 200, or aquariums over 50 gallons I would suggest the Aqua-Clear 300. The Aqua-Clear 200 pumps 200 gallons per hour and the 300 pumps 300 gallons per hour.
I modify my filter slightly, and you can too without purchasing any additional parts to make this modification. Both Aqua-Clear models come with a sponge which is designed to fit in the back compartment of the filter. It allows the water to filter though the sponge from below before flowing back into your aquarium. Unfortunately using the sponge in the back compartment, where it was designed, traps food and other debris in the sponge clogging it and reducing water flow. This requires frequent cleaning of the sponge so the filter continues to run efficiently. This simple design flaw is easily corrected. Instead of using the sponge in the back of the filter I use it as a pre-filter over the front intake screen inside the aquarium.
Using scissors, cut an incision into the smallest rectangular end of the sponge, just enough so you can tightly slip it over the intake screen inside your aquarium. Water is pulled through the sponge mechanically by the filter. Beneficial oxidizing bacterium will cultivate and live in this sponge so passing water will be cleaned as it goes though the sponge and returns into the tank. By using the sponge in this manner will stop any food from being filtered out during feeding clogging the filter, and filtering away food meant your fish.
Since the back-filter compartment is empty you can put more carbon in a larger nylon bag for water to flow though and stick it in the back of the filter. This will give your Discus fish aquarium nice water clarity, along with keeping harmful ammonia and nitrites levels from building up in the tank. The carbon pouch can easily be accessed for cleaning, and carbon replacement. It is a good idea when using carbon to change it on a regular basis, I recommend changing 75 percent of the carbon every 14 to 21 days. Any longer than this may lead to unexplained deaths or other problems in the aquarium.
Learn More: Water Filtration for an Ornamental Fish Aquarium
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