The San Merah discus is a truly gorgeous addition to any aquarium. This is a bright red discus with a pale, almost white color dorsal and pectoral fins. The tail is opaque and almost invisible making it seem as if it has no tail. The face of the discus is a light cream color with a shade of purple and is a bright addition to your aquarium. If you examine the San Merah discus closely, there is a small pattern, resembling spots found towards the tail region of this discus. The tail fin has this distinct spot pattern running through it and has a dark brown shade towards the top. This discus can grow up to about 8” and it has the same length and height which gives it a flat body.
Originating from the Amazon River basin, discus are a popular choice for aquariums because of the bright colors they possess. They are a round shaped and have dorsal and pectoral fins that lead all the way to its tail which makes it a beautiful view to see as it glides around the water. This bright red discus is attractive and an eye catcher. It is a very peaceful creature and highly social especially among other types of fish that are not hostile. It can be kept with several discuses at one time and are slow feeders. The gorgeous body of the San Merah discus contrasts among its fellow inhabitants of the aquarium and the plants.
13 Reviews
Exceptional quality
Best quality, service, and prices on the net. I will buy from Mac's Discus again.
Breeder quality discus
I bought 10 of these Super San Merahs, for breeding and they came in perfect, great color, size, and shape. This company sells breeder quality discus. I will be buying more next month.
great service discus healthy and larger than expected
wanted a discus that just went out of stock so ordered a pair of red/white phoenix and am absolutely excited to have the addition to our tank. The pair arrived quickly, healthy, and larger than expected so will order the San Merahs when they become available. Thank-You Mac's Discus!!