Discus Fish Blog
Discus Fish Secrets
Return To; Discus Fish If you want to successfully keep and breed discus
fish, then you have to be aware of all of their secrets. One of the most
important Discus fish secrets is that they are schooling fish. This means that
they prefer to live in a group with other Discus fish. If you purchase just one Discus for your tank, you will likely end up with an unhappy and unhealthy Discus. You should always get a minimum of five Discus fish so that they will be
able to school. This will
13th Jun 2014
Keeping Discus Fish
Return To; Discus Fish Secrets Keeping discus fish can be a challenge, but if you
are successful, you will have a beautiful and lively addition to your aquarium.
Discus fish are sensitive to water conditions, so you will need to establish
your tank carefully prior to putting your discus fish in, and you will need to
monitor it frequently and keep it clean. Discus fish are also more susceptible
to illness than other, heartier species of fish. At the first sign of illness
of a disc
28th May 2014
Discus Fish Breeding
Return To; Keeping Discus Fish Discus fish can be difficult to keep, and breeding
discus fish is even more complicated. Discus are very sensitive, and you must
be very careful in maintaining their tank. Discus are tropical fish that
originate from the Amazon River basin. Their tank must be kept like their
natural habitat, so the water must be very warm. In addition, they prefer
slightly soft and slightly acidic water; a pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is ideal and tank
temperature should be 84 degre
7th May 2014
Discus Fish Disease, Cloudy Eye Treatment
Return to; Treating Internal Discus Fish Disease Discus fish like all tropical aquarium fish are
susceptible to eye fungus disease, also referred to as cloudy eye. Eye fungus is an environmental issue, if
untreated, cloudy eye will destroy the pupil and leave the discus fish blind.
This disease can occur rapidly, almost overnight, and can be very stubborn and
takes a week or two to clear itself. The cause is a bacterial build up in the aquarium;
therefore the best treatment is to
27th Apr 2014
Discus Fish Information
Return To; Discus Fish Breeding Discus fish originate from calm waters of the
Tropical Amazon River basin and today are offered in many beautiful, bright
colors. They vary in size from 2” to 7” and their bodies are round and flat
with extended fins. They have red eyes, and many have a series of vertical
stripes called bars on their bodies that are helpful for camouflage. Although
discus fish are not the easiest fish to keep in an aquarium, having the proper
discus fish informatio
2nd Apr 2014
Discus Fish Tank
Return To: Discus Fish Care You can be successful with keeping discus fish in an
aquarium if you maintain a proper discus fish tank for them. You will need a
large tank, with the exact size dependent upon the size and number of discus
fish you plan to have. A tank of 29 to 50 gallons are two great size tanks to
grow discus fish in, you can keep between 6 and 15 adult discus in this size
aquarium. Larger tanks like 75 to 100 gallon tanks will, of course, hold more.
This size also inclu
31st Mar 2014
Discus Fish Care
Return To; Discus Fish Information Discus fish originate from the Amazon River and they
make a bright, beautiful addition to an aquarium. They are non-aggressive and
interesting to watch, but they are tropical fish, so they do need to be kept in
a tank that has appropriate conditions. Your Discus will thrive if you follow
some basics for Discus fish care. Water ParametersFor proper Discus fish care, the water should
resemble their natural habitat, so the temperature in the tank sh
30th Mar 2014
Acclimating your Discus Fish purchase after overnight shipping.
Return To; Discus Fish Breeding To acclimate
your new discus fish I recommend the following;When you buy discus fish from Mac’s Discus I pack
them 1 to 2 fish per bag with multiple bags in a Styrofoam shipping container with cardboard over wrap and heat packs.
Have a clean bucket available for the acclimating process. Open the shipping
container and the individual bags; pour them all into the clean bucket. After they
are all in the clean bucket with the packing water they we
5th Mar 2014